EU disputes over clean resources. The EC has not banned nuclear energy

The turn of 2021 was hectic from the point of view of the so-called taxonomy concerning clean energy sources. The European Commission has also added gas and nuclear power plants to the list. Contrary to popular belief, the reactors will be allowed to build in the European Union even after 2040. The gas should then act as a backup source in case without enough wind and sun. Wonderinterest Trading has analysed the EC proposal.

The green transition of the energy sector in the European Union will not be possible without nuclear or gas power plants. At the turn of last year and this year, this was recognized by the European Commission, which included both of these sources in the so-called taxonomy - a list of environmentally acceptable energy sources.

Although at first glance it may seem like a concession to countries that are holding on to their teeth with their nails, both fossil and nuclear plants, it is in fact a victory for common sense. Of course, no one wants to destroy the planet (or the atmosphere) by producing electricity or heat indefinitely by burning coal, but a complete shift towards fully renewable resources can be seen as an extreme and inequal conditions for reaching the carbon neutrality.

In both cases, nuclear and gas, the European Commission has set the conditions under which these resources can be developed. It will thus be necessary to gradually add non-fossil gases, especially hydrogen, to the natural gas. Nuclear reactors will be able to be built if they obtain a building permit by 2040 and 2045, respectively, and by the middle of this century, the country will have to have a deep repository for spent radioactive waste.

Contrary to popular belief, the core will not end in 2045. It will be possible to build nuclear reactors later as well. However, under the condition that they must be fourth-generation reactors. The current generation must obtain a stamp by 2040, and by 2045 those which will use the best existing technologies at that time. Although fourth-generation reactors are not available today, according to Martin Špolc, the leader of the team of experts responsible for taxonomy, this could change within 25 to 30 years. These are closed-loop reactors that can minimize the production of nuclear waste.

Adding the nuclear energy among clean sources is certainly welcomed, among others, by France, which has relied on nuclear power plants for many decades. But even France does not want to step on the spot. French President Emmanuel Macron announced last autumn France would renew the construction of nuclear reactors. However, these are smaller sources with a capacity of around 170 megawatts. Such a strategy seems reasonable and effective. But France has not yet abandoned the construction of larger units such a Flamanville power plant.

The issue of nuclear energy has, of course, not only the environmental aspect. As the climatic and natural conditions for the use of this or that resource are different in each country, the issue of the energy mix has also its strong dimension of the energy security.


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