Record bonus for Mercedes employees

If you are searching for a company whose profits or positive results over the previous period are also felt by its employees, then Mercedes-Benz is undoubtedly the winner in this imaginary competition. News of a record bonus for employees could be a driver for the company's shares in the near future, so let's take a closer look at its strategy and forecast for this year. [1]

The carmaker's excellent results

The year 2022 brought good news for Mercedes-Benz, even though many companies reported losses and problems. The carmaker made a profit despite a difficult environment in which semiconductor shortages, logistical problems and other issues related to the coronavirus and the conflict in Ukraine persisted. In the third quarter of 2022, revenue climbed to $37.72 billion, up 19.18% year-on-year. The published net profit can be described as strong as it reached USD 3.92 billion, i.e. increased by more than 58% year-on-year. The company's operating profit increased approximately 57% year-on-year to $4.35 billion.


Rewards for skilled employees

The company owes its extraordinary progress and profitability to its employees. The company decided to appreciate it properly. It came up with a financial thank you to its employees for all their achievements in the form of a record profit-sharing bonus. The company's management has agreed that all eligible employees will be entitled to a special one-off bonus of up to €7,300. Interesting is also the number of eligible employees, which is expected to be approximately 93,000. The special bonus is intended to reflect the fact that the employees have contributed to the positive development despite all the challenges in the market and have thus helped to successfully transform a company that required a lot of concessions and flexibility from its employees in a challenging environment.


The development of the company's shares

The market value of the company's shares could increase in the coming months. The share price of Mercedes Benz Group AG (MBGn) could potentially exceed USD 68 per share if positive investor sentiment continues. [2]



Mercedes Benz Group AG's shares performance over the past 5 years (Source: Investing) *


Olivia Lacen, chief analyst at Wonderinterest Trading Ltd.


* Past performance is no guarantee of future results


[1,2] Forward-looking statements are based on assumptions and current expectations, which may be inaccurate, or on the current economic environment, which may change. These statements are not guarantees of future performance. They involve risks and other uncertainties that are difficult to predict. Results may differ materially from those expressed or implied by any forward-looking statements.


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