Start-up Vay has moved closer to full vehicle autonomy

A new concept is coming into awareness in the context of autonomous driving. Teledriving is the driving of cars by humans from physical stations several miles away from the vehicles. In practice, it could be compared to remote-controlled cars, but this time it is not small RC cars, but large vehicles capable of transporting people.

A smooth transition to replacing drivers 

The way teledriving works is that the teledriver is in a physical station and his job is to deliver the car to the customer. Customers order an electric vehicle through the Vay app. Upon arrival of the vehicle, they get in and drive themselves to their desired destination. The teledriver then takes over the vehicle and transports it to the next customer, avoiding paying for a parking place. It is basically a vehicle delivery service. Teledrivers control all vehicle functions including steering, braking and throttle and make all driving decisions, ensuring a comfortable and reliable driving. They are all professionally trained and adhere to safe driving principles.

Testing is already underway in the streets of Hamburg

The start-up has received permission to conduct tests in the city of Hamburg. To maintain safety, this only applies to pre-determined routes. The technology has been tested using modified KIA electric cars for more than three years. The decision to incorporate remotely controlled vehicles into public transport and direct testing in cities marks an intermediate step towards full autonomy. The company's goal is to gradually introduce autonomous driving functions into the system when it is safe and permitted. "We will now work with the authorities on the next steps so that we can offer this service to outsourced drivers," said Voy CEO Thomas von der Ohe, who has experience in testing Zoox's autonomous vehicles. According to him, the complete implementation of teledriving is a matter of months.

Autonomous driving is gaining the trust of investors

Berlin-based start-up Vay has received nearly $100 million from investors to develop the technology. At the moment, the company is privately owned, so it cannot be publicly traded. However, there are a number of investors who see potential in the development of autonomous vehicles. They include, for example, the former financial director of Google Patrick Pichette or the Atomico company. Autonomous transport is booming, and Tesla also brought positive news in this area when it delivered its first electric Semi Trucks in December last year.

Even the biggest taxi services are not lagging behind

One of the companies interested in autonomous driving is Uber, which has made its first move with Motional. It's a joint project between carmaker Hyundai and Aptiv. Uber and Motional have already signed a ten-year partnership and are currently offering a new service called robotaxis. This one comes after the successful launch of Uber Eats autonomous delivery in the Los Angeles area. Safe drivers continue to be present in the cars in case the autonomous system can't cope, but they too will be dropped off later this year. We can prepare ourselves for the fact that taxis will soon be transporting us without the presence of other humans.


Olivia Lacenova, analyst at Wonderinterest Trading Ltd.


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