Emission allowances have exceeded yields of traditional assets

Allowances on greenhouse gas emissions traded on the European market have reached record-high values this July, when a ton of EUA futures reached the value of 62.75 euro*. [1]Investing in emission allowances seems to be the most profitable in comparison with traditional assets, such as gold, real estate or stock indices, in the long run. Since the beginning of 2016, the value of emission allowances grew in 1117 %, while real estate in the EU added 29%, gold rose in 64% and S&P 500 stock indices grew in 134%[2] during the same period. The data is a part of project Top Green Investments 2021, a study conducted by investment company Wonderinterest Trading Ltd.

* https://ember-climate.org/

Change in the price of assets and emissions allowances on EU ETS (in %) from 1.1. 2016 to 10.9.2021


**till the end of first quarter of 2021


Resources: Each stock exchanges, The Eurostat, The Economist           


"Climate policy has been affecting market indicators in the long term, and therefore the significant increase in allowance prices comes as no surprise," commented Evrula Papadopoulos, Executive Director at Wonderinterest Trading. "Our analysis also focuses on segments of renewable resources, energy and resources savings, emission-free transport, but also responsible financing. The market is still accessible to visionaries interested in shifting the direction towards sustainable development," she added.

The study Top Green Investments 2021 covers world's greatest leaders in their fields, such as Tesla, ABB or Suez, but also emerging players on the market of sustainable solutions, such as Danish Ørstednebo or Chinese JinkoSolar. A summary the study as well as ranking can be downloaded here.


Wonderinterest Trading Ltd is a Cyprus Investment Firm (CIF) supervised and regulated by the Cyprus Securities and & Exchange Commision (CySEC) with Licence Number 307/16 and registered office address 176, Makariou III Avenue, Paschalis Avenue House, Agia Zoni, Limassol, Cyprus.

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Disclaimer [1,2] Past performance is no guarantee of future resultss

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