A company from Ostrava has developed the first Czech hydrogen-powered bicycle

H2 Global Group, based in Ostrava, has become the first company in the Czech Republic to develop a hydrogen-powered bicycle. Their product is called the H2 Bike 01P, it is an electric bicycle that uses hydrogen energy to power its primary drive electric motor. It has a range of up to 150 kilometres on a single hydrogen bottle and a power output of 250 watts. The company presented the prototype bike at the Moravian-Silesian Innovation Centre (MSIC) in Ostrava. The bike is completely ecological and could cost around CZK 200,000 in the future.

The alternative drive is environmentally friendly

It is known as a hydrogen fuel cell bicycle, but it is basically a type of electric bicycle. Hydrogen is stored in the fuel cell and combined with oxygen to create water and electricity. The electricity produced is then used to power an electric motor. It is a relatively new concept, but it offers several advantages over traditional electric bikes. These include, for example, a longer range of up to 150 km on a single bottle of hydrogen, as hydrogen has a higher energy density than batteries and can store more energy in a smaller volume. Then there's refuelling, which takes just a few minutes, similar to refuelling a petrol-powered vehicle. Hydrogen bikes are also environmentally friendly as they only emit water and produce no harmful emissions.


The company has a vision for a more sustainable environment

H2 Global Group is one of the leading companies in hydrogen technology. Its areas of interest include the healthcare, wellness, cosmetics, agriculture and livestock industries. Interestingly, Forbes magazine even included this company in the list of the top 10 start-ups from North Moravia in the summer of 2022. The company's president, David Maršálek, said that the hydrogen bicycle is part of a comprehensive program of the hydrogen city of the future. The goal is to get it to the production stage, ideally in Ostrava. It is part of a broader vision of a hydrogen city in which the technology is used in transport, heating and energy storage. The H2 Bike 01P is unique in that the hydrogen fuel cell provides the primary propulsion for the electric motor, while excess energy from the hydrogen process is used to recharge a smaller battery that can power the bike for up to 70 kilometres without using hydrogen. The battery can be recharged while riding or from an electrical outlet.


The bike is not the first

Several hydrogen bicycles have already been developed in Europe, with some being mass-produced in the Netherlands, France and Germany. However, the world's first such bicycle was presented in 2021 by Australian company LAVO, which joined forces with Dutch design studio Studio MOM. The Czech bike could cost around 200,000 CZK (8,434 EUR), which is less than other bikes on the market that cost around 10,000 EUR or more. The company even believes the price can be lowered further. The bottles will be replaceable like siphon bombs, with one costing between CZK 250 and CZK 500.


It wants to be as affordable as possible

Production of the hydrogen bike depends on how quickly the technical issues and legislation can be completed. The bike was built in just two months, at the end of 2022, and the company has approached suppliers of various parts and solutions. They didn't invent anything new, they just added their own ingredient - an innovative approach. The bike's exceptional range and environmental friendliness make it a practical option for people looking for a greener and more sustainable way to travel. The H2 Global Group is working to make their product more affordable and solving technical problems to ensure a smooth and successful manufacturing process.


Olivia Lacenova, Chief Analyst at Wonderinterest Trading Ltd.

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