Why it's important to plant trees and why it's important to us

Did you know that trees are an effective tool for reducing the concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere? Growing trees, among many other natural functions, ultimately absorb carbon dioxide, the most widespread greenhouse gas causing climate change. By planting them we joined projects Sázíme Česko, My Forest a Zelené Slovensko. We are investing not just for today, but for up to a hundred years ahead. That's how long the life cycle of a forest is. If you invest with us, you will also get involved in planting forests. You will offset the emissions you yourself contribute to and help improve the future of our planet.

9,000,000g of CO2

is produced on average by a person in 1 year of life in central Europe in order to cover his carbon footprint, it is necessary to plant approximately 750 trees annually

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carbon neutral account
50 trees
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carbon neutral travel
100 trees
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carbon neutral living
250 trees
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carbon neutral client
750 trees
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Carbon Neutral Family
2000 trees

*calculations according to co2.myclimate.org

Our forest

16267 trees

have already been planted

163 tonnes

of neutral CO2

About the project

Wonderinterest Trading's work for its clients focuses, among other things, on analyzing global companies that take a sustainable approach to their business and rank at the top of global corporate responsibility (ESG) rankings. In order to demonstrate to our clients and employees that we are taking our business responsibly, we ourselves have decided to link our growth to supporting our climate goals. Depending on the type of business account of each new client, we commit to supporting the planting of a set number of trees, always locally in the market where we operate. In this way, trees grow with our clients.

Trade and plant trees

How does it work? Nature has its own rules. Therefore, during winter we plant trees virtually. Every tree planted now means that seedlings have been purchased and planting has been ordered. It always takes place in the spring and autumn, when the conditions for planting are ideal. That's when your investment starts to make a real difference in reducing the carbon footprint.

Why this particular project?

It's simple
You invest, we plant
It's local
We don't plant in the Philippines or Ethiopia, we plant here in Central Europe. That way you can go see the trees for yourself.
It's a specific
We plant trees with our own hands and in cooperation with professional projects. That's why we have photos of our forests, GPS coordinates of the trees and all the other details.

Other project partners


Opozorilo o tveganju: Pogodbe na razliko so kompleksni instrumenti in prinašajo veliko tveganje hitre izgube denarja zaradi finančnega vzvoda. Pri trgovanju s pogodbami na razliko pri tem ponudniku denar izgubi 91.79% računov malih vlagateljev. Razmislite, ali razumete, kako delujejo CFD-ji, in ali si lahko privoščite tako veliko tveganje z izgubo denarja.